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The weight of recent events, particularly the 2023 Israel-Hamas war, has cast a somber shadow over many Cherry Hill residents. Amidst these challenging times, parents often grapple with how to approach this complex topic when speaking with their children.

Recognizing this concern, the Executive Board of the Cherry Hill Zone PTA has shared valuable insights to aid local parents in guiding their children through these conversations. Although the letter, circulated on Wednesday, doesn’t explicitly delve into the conflict, it starts with the following message:

“The past 4 days have been extremely difficult for many in our community. Within our own Zone PTA, we have folks who have been personally impacted by recent events.”

Just a few days prior, Palestinian militants breached the Gaza-Israel barrier, leading to a tragic incident in which they targeted a music festival, resulting in the loss of at least 260 Israeli lives. This attack also encompassed nearby Israeli communities and military bases. In response, Israel initiated airstrikes in the Gaza Strip following the clearing of Hamas forces from the affected areas.

When addressing this matter with children, the Cherry Hill Zone PTA advocates for open and constructive communication.

“As our children encounter distressing images, videos, social media posts, and stories, alongside conversations with other students, we would like to stress the importance of parents providing support and guidance,” states the letter. “Engage with your children as they view these images, videos, social media posts, and stories. Initiate discussions about their feelings and what they are hearing and seeing.”

The PTA also encourages parents to empower their children to speak up. Whether it’s within the comfort of their home or during the school day to a trusted adult, children should feel encouraged to express their concerns when they encounter something that makes them uneasy. This open dialogue can foster understanding, empathy, and a sense of security during challenging times.