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In response to the escalating challenges posed by climate change, particularly the rising threat of extreme heat events, New Jersey’s Interagency Council on Climate Resilience (IAC) has taken proactive steps. Recognizing the urgent need for a comprehensive strategy, the IAC has developed the Statewide Climate Change Resilience Strategy, with a specific focus on addressing the increasing occurrences of extreme heat in the state.

As one of the fastest-warming states in the country and the Northeast’s fastest, New Jersey experienced notable extreme heat events during the summer of 2022. To delve deeper into this critical issue, the IAC hosted an online Extreme Heat webinar, providing an insightful discussion on the matter. 

Looking ahead, New Jersey is gearing up to release its first Resilience Action Plan (RAP) this spring. As part of this initiative, the Extreme Heat RAP is set to be unveiled. To ensure the comprehensive consideration of the needs of those most vulnerable to extreme heat, the IAC has crafted the NJ Extreme Heat Resilience Action Plan survey.

This survey serves as a crucial tool in gaining a nuanced understanding of the priorities, concerns, needs, and desires of populations disproportionately affected by extreme heat. Camden County, we want to hear from you! Your input is invaluable in shaping strategies that effectively reduce the impacts of extreme heat.

Participating in the NJ Extreme Heat Resilience Action Plan survey is a direct and impactful way to contribute to the resilience efforts in your community. Your voice matters, and together, we can build a more resilient and heat-prepared Camden County.

Take a moment to share your insights and be a part of the solution. Your contribution can make a meaningful impact on the future of our community.