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Cherry Hill’s newly appointed mayor, Dave Fleisher, is voicing concerns over the communication strategies employed by the New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT) during the ongoing Route 70 construction project. The mayor, along with residents and small business owners, is critical of what he perceives as a lack of transparency regarding lane shifts and closures associated with the $153 million, nearly nine-mile reconstruction effort aimed at enhancing the safety and efficiency of Route 70 from Pennsauken through Evesham.

While the construction project is intended to provide a smoother and safer experience for commuters, Mayor Fleisher contends that the execution of the construction process has been less than seamless. Specifically, he points to the NJDOT’s alleged failure to adequately communicate important information regarding lane changes and closures to local businesses and the surrounding communities affected by the construction.

As the mayor raises these concerns, it underscores the importance of effective communication in large-scale infrastructure projects, especially those impacting local businesses and residents. The Route 70 construction project aims to bring about positive changes, but the success of such endeavors is often closely tied to transparent and proactive communication between government agencies, businesses, and the community.

Cherry Hill residents and small business owners are looking for reassurance that their concerns are being heard and addressed. In light of these challenges, it becomes imperative for the NJDOT to enhance its communication efforts to keep all stakeholders informed and mitigate disruptions as much as possible.

The blog post sheds light on the intersection of construction projects, local governance, and community engagement. It serves as a call for increased transparency and communication, emphasizing the need for collaborative efforts to ensure that the ambitious Route 70 reconstruction project achieves its intended benefits while minimizing inconvenience for residents and businesses alike.