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The magic of the holiday season comes alive not just through the exchange of gifts and cheerful carols but also in the twinkling holiday lights that adorn our neighborhoods. Patch and T-Mobile have joined forces to craft a curated list of the most enchanting light displays around Cherry Hill, inviting you to embark on a festive drive and immerse yourself in the joyous spirit of the season.

Why Holiday Lights Bring Joy

According to mental health experts, the allure of holiday lights goes beyond their aesthetic appeal; it has a profound impact on our well-being. Psychologist Deborah Serani, a senior professor at New York’s Adelphi University, notes that the vibrant displays create a neurological shift, inducing happiness. “Anything that takes us out of our normal habituation signals our senses, and then our senses measure if it’s pleasing or not,” she says.

Decorating for the holidays triggers the release of dopamine, the feel-good hormone. Christmas, for many, is a magical time associated with innocence and joy, making the sight of festive lights a heartwarming experience.

Share Your Radiant Discoveries

Cherry Hill residents, your input is invaluable! Help us compile a comprehensive list of the best holiday lights in the area. If you’ve come across a display that deserves recognition, share the address with Josh Bakan at Additionally, we’d love to feature your perspective by including a photo you captured yourself in our upcoming holiday roundup.

This collaborative effort aims to create a community-driven guide that not only showcases the creativity of your neighbors but also spreads the joyous glow of the season. Let’s come together to celebrate the magic of Cherry Hill’s holiday lights and make this season brighter for all!